AI chan and degenerative AI March 25, 2023 admin swipe (or click and drag) for the next image This one really just comes from my initial excitement at the lofty potential of generative AI for images, and then seeing what it apparently gets used for most of the time. There is also something really funny in the contrast between the quite beautiful art that AI generators can produce, and the often blunt and utilitarian prompts provided by the “artist”. On a deeper level, I really do think that people who use lack of talent as an excuse for lack of effort deserve to be mocked. Art inspiration None in particular. I realised too late the guy was dressed like Ned Flanders, but it kinda works. Challenges This has been the smoothest one to do so far, only taking me a few sessions from start to finish. The biggest challenge was probably working out how to do the word cloud in the last panel, so that it didn’t look like one giant run-on sentence (although most AI image prompts tend to look that way.). Rewards I just had a whole lot of fun doing this one. Can you tell?